
The Charity of Jane Wright makes grants to individuals and projects run by other organisations and charities. Applications are considered by the Trustees. Further specific information on eligibility and the application process is detailed below.

Grant Application Guidance – For individuals

The Charity of Jane Wright only accepts applications from bonafide third party organisations on behalf of individuals who are currently resident within the City of York where such individuals find themselves in conditions of need, hardship or distress. The organisation must be familiar with the individual’s circumstances and able to complete an application form with certainty that the information they are providing is factually correct.

The organisation should ensure that the full circumstances of the individual are set out on the application form and the purpose for which the grant is requested must be very clearly identified. There must be full disclosure of the individual’s income and expenditure.

Organisations should ensure that they provide copies of detailed quotes for the items requested and submit this with their application form.

The Charity has a specific application form although this comes in two formats depending on whether the application is to be completed on screen and submitted by email or filled in by hand and posted. You can download our Grants Application Form (PDF 37kb) to apply by post. Or Grants Application Form (Word 37kb) to apply via email.

Any grants that do not meet the above criteria are likely to be returned and will result in delays.

Should you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk, or her assistant, on 01904 655555 or [email protected]

Grant Application Guidance – For organisations

The Charity of Jane Wright will consider applications for grants that are made by other charities/organisations which provide items, services or facilities to help individuals who are resident in the City of York and who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress.

All applications should be made in writing and provide as much information as possible and which should include, as a minimum, the following:

Any grant applications that do not contain the information requested above are likely to be returned and will result in delays.

Please note that grants to organisations are considered by the full board of Trustees who meet four times a year. Applications should be received at least two weeks in advance of a meeting date to ensure that they can be considered.

A grant to an organisation, for the same purpose, will not normally be made within a period of two years of the original application.

Should you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk or her assistant, on 01904 655555 or email us at [email protected].